Our Services
Trust in an Experienced Personal Project Manager
Project-By-Project Help
Our Rates
The cost for all Central Coast Transitions LLC projects will be billed at an hourly rate of $95.00 per hour/per professional organizer and support staff; $105.00 per hour/per staff member for homes with hoarding conditions.
An after-hours’ fee of ninety dollars ($120.00) per hour will be charged for appointments with hours scheduled after 5:00 PM or on Saturdays. In addition, the Client will be billed for supply expenses, disposal fees, and a charge of $.75 per mile for jobs located outside the 25-mile radius from our office in lieu of travel time (savings to our clients).
Unless otherwise specified as a “complimentary consultation," time “on-the-clock” (billed in 15-minute intervals) includes phone consultations and coaching, project research, approved shopping, lengthy emails, instant messaging, or texting.
Hours: Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM