Shedding Shame and Mess: Overcoming Clutter

A white chair and a wall with words " wedding shame and mess ".

Even if we can’t see it, most of us have clutter. It can take many forms. Maybe you have junk mail and old documents sprawling across your desk. Maybe you have a collection of surplus toiletries “just in case,” taking up space beneath your sink. Maybe you have the infamous “junk drawer” filled to the…

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Keeping the Sentiment without the Clutter

A woman and an older lady looking at something on the screen.

Sentimental clutter is bound to happen. Through the courses of our lives, we all collect things to remind us of the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the adventures we’ve had. Over the years, these items have a way of piling up in dusty boxes or hiding away in the back of a…

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